Getting In The Game: Guide To Online Dating For Men

So, is online dating for men absolutely crazy? No, and yes. But really, that’s what online dating is for most people: awkward, exciting, scary, and essentially, a lot of possibilities.

If you’re here, you are probably considering online dating because you’ve never done it. You could also be looking for answers to why your experience has so far been crazy. Or you are wondering if there is a master guide on hacking the system for a wonderful experience. 

Whatever the reason, it’s already been established that online dating for men isn’t easy. If you are the first guy, make sure you understand it. If you are the second guy, you will find some answers. And if you are the third guy, accept that there is no foolproof plan for finding love online or anywhere.

Buuuuuut that does not mean you should give up. The world is changing, and getting into online dating demands a little help. That’s what I hope to achieve with this article.

So, if you are getting back in the game, are looking for answers, and want to be good at online dating, this article is for you. Stick around and get all the information you need for dating online. 

What You Should Definitely Not Do 

Here are some things you should definitely not do in online dating for men:

Never Use Poor-Quality Photos

Pictures are the first thing people notice in online dating for men. Sad but true. If you want success, ask someone to take pictures for you using a good camera and in good lighting so they are clear and visible. Treat it like an important photo shoot, and you can’t go wrong.

Poor-quality photos, like blurry selfies or bad lighting, will turn people away before they even read your profile. It won’t matter how good-looking you are. Bad-quality photos will make you look sketchy, so be intentional about the quality.

It’s also good to note that you should avoid photos where you’re wearing sunglasses or hats that cover your face. There’s not much to go on when online dating, just a picture. Make sure they can see your eyes and smile; it makes it easier to connect.

Don’t Lie About Who You Are

The temptation to lie online is just so…tempting. This person has never met you, so who cares if you use a touched-up photo or exaggerate a few things? In fact, a lot of people lie on first dates. It’s normal that you want this person to see only the best parts of you.

But being dishonest on your profile, just like anywhere else, can lead to awkward situations later. As a man, you will feel the need to exaggerate your achievements, income, or personality to impress. But peacocks don’t show off fake feathers.

If any of the latest romantic comedies teach anything, it is that online dating for men works best when you’re authentic. If you’re not honest, the truth will eventually come out, ruining any chance of a meaningful connection.

It’s always better to be yourself from the start.

Don’t Be Aggressive

Now comes the part where you actually interact with the people you want to connect with. Aggressive behavior, like sending too many messages in a short time or pushing for a date right away, can scare people off.

Online dating for men should be about building a connection slowly, not showing your dominance and power. Respect the other person’s pace and space the same way you want to be respected.

If someone doesn’t respond immediately, give them time. Being too pushy will come across as desperate or rude, so it’s important to show patience and respect.

Don’t Use Inappropriate Language or Photos

In online dating for men, using inappropriate language or sending explicit photos can make the other person uncomfortable and is a huge turnoff. Yet, it is something women always complain about. Don’t be part of that statistic.

It’s important to be respectful and keep conversations appropriate. Even if you think someone might be interested in that kind of conversation, it’s best to wait until you’ve built trust.

In fact, it is best to wait until they initiate that conversation. Until then, be respectful.

Online Dating For Men: Tips for Being Gentlemanly on the Internet

Here are things you should do in online dating for better success:

Take Time to Create Your Profile

I’ve created online dating profiles in a few minutes at a time. Then I found myself changing things as time went on, eventually losing interest in making tweaks so I could stop attracting a sort of guy. Don’t be like me.

Online dating for men your age calls for some thoughtfulness. Your dating profile is your first impression. Spend time making sure it shows who you are in an interesting way. Use good-quality photos and write a bio that really shows your personality.

For example, instead of listing facts like “I love sports,” get a little more specific about it, like “I love the teamwork and energy in playing soccer with friends.” It makes your profile more engaging and increases the chances of attracting someone with similar interests.

Also, the words you use in your profile make a big difference in how you come across. Online dating for men is about putting your best foot forward, and using positive, upbeat language can help. Instead of writing what you don’t want or dislike, focus on the things that make you happy. 

It makes your profile more welcoming and attractive.

Show Genuine Interest in Your Matches

The brooding, mysterious guy who will only call you when he wants to type is not something you should be doing in online dating for men. If you want to lose dates, be this guy. If you want a chance at making a connection, show someone that you are actually interested.

When chatting with someone you really like online, show that you’re genuinely interested in them by asking thoughtful questions. Don’t go on and on about yourself; ask questions that help you learn more about the other person’s hobbies, goals, and dreams.

Showing interest makes the conversation more engaging and increases your chances of building a connection. Avoid talking about yourself all the time. Be invested in who that person is and what they are all about.

Be Patient and Stay Positive

Are you wondering what went wrong the last time you tried online dating? It could be patience. Love does not happen in a day, even though online dating can feel like it should because it’s so fast and accessible. Tech may have improved, but that does not guarantee that you will find love faster.

It happens when it happens.

That said, patience is important in online dating for men. You might not find the perfect match right away, but it’s important to stay positive and not get discouraged. It’s normal for conversations to fade or for some matches not to respond.

It can be a lot to handle. But Instead of getting frustrated, see each conversation or interaction as a learning experience. Keep an optimistic attitude, and remember that online dating can take time. Eventually, with patience, you’ll find someone who’s the right fit for you.

Respect Boundaries and Consent

Respecting boundaries is important in online dating for men. Always make sure the other person feels comfortable during conversations. Being a man, you could come off as intimidating, strong, authoritative, etc. 

Use those qualities responsibly. Make sure you are not using your masculinity to push, force, or threaten the person you are interested in. Be gentle and thoughtful.

If you’re not sure whether a topic is appropriate, it’s better to ask before diving in. For example, if you’re thinking about asking for personal information, check in with them first by saying, “Are you comfortable sharing that?” If they say ‘no’, do not push. Respect it.

Respecting their boundaries creates a safe and respectful environment, which helps build trust and shows that you’re considerate.

Online Dating for Men – It’s a Wild Ride, But You’ve Got This!

Online dating for men can be full of awkward moments, exciting connections, and unexpected twists. It’s not always easy, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding journey. Whether you’re just starting or looking for answers to past experiences, remember that authenticity, patience, and respect are your best tools.

Embrace the process, keep an open mind, and learn from every interaction. There’s no perfect formula in online dating for men. But your experience can lead to meaningful connections with a little effort and thoughtfulness. So, go ahead—jump in and see what the world of online dating has in store for you!

About Author

Waithira Njagi is a seasoned wellness and relationship content writer with nearly a decade of experience. Her passion for helping others navigate the complexities of personal growth and connection shines through in her engaging and insightful writing.
With a knack for distilling complex topics into easily digestible pieces, Waithira's work is geared toward readers seeking guidance and inspiration on their journey to holistic well-being.
When she's not crafting engaging articles, you can find Waithira curled up with a stack of romance novels– always rooting for love to win– or enjoying quality time with her beloved family. Her dedication to spreading love and positivity is evident in everything she creates.

Waithira is here to remind you that life, much like their stories, is a tapestry of connections - to loved ones, and the endless adventures found in books.

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