Healing, whether from physical wounds, emotional scars, or spiritual burdens, can often feel overwhelming. Through the Book of Romans, Paul addresses both the human struggle and the hope we have in Christ. Through passages like Romans 5 and 8, we find promises of God’s peace, reassurance of His transforming power, and guidance on enduring life’s […]
When I read through the letter that Paul wrote in Romans it’s hard to not be motivated. Paul was both courageous and disciplined. He was excited to motivate others in their Faith, and was willing to travel great distances to do so. He was undeterred by the challenges he saw ahead of him. Paul was […]
Life can throw us some heavy punches, and I’ve found that my faith is one of the strongest tools for building the resilience I need to get back up after a major blow. We see over and over in the Bible: men and women who faced hard, even brutal situations, but grew stronger because of […]
Money feels personal. It’s one of those taboo topics, we’re not supposed to approach in polite conversation, but it’s part of life, and it affects every single one of us. Whether you’re someone who counts every penny or just hopes there’s enough in the bank to make it to the next payday, understanding a biblical […]
Since recently returning to the school system, I’ve been thinking a lot about leadership lately. Not just leadership in the sense of running a business or leading a project, but the kind of leadership Jesus calls us to in our everyday lives. You know, that quiet, sometimes behind-the-scenes leadership that doesn’t look like the world’s […]
Faith is an important aspect in the lives of billions of people on planet Earth, but what is faith exactly? Even the dictionary has a hard time describing it with most major publications giving multiple definitions. Typically, faith is defined as “a strong belief in something of which there is no proof.” However you want […]
What does it mean to be the spiritual leader of the household? It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. If you’re a Christian, then you know that biblically men are called to be the spiritual leader of the family, but what does that entail? How do we balance implementing that God-given authority with […]
While it might be a stereotype, I believe there is some truth to the old adage that men aren’t as emotional as women. There are certainly outliers, but on the whole, I’d say it’s harder for us to get in touch with our emotions, and most of us don’t give it much effort. This disconnect […]
As societies become more secularized and individuals embrace diverse worldviews, many find themselves questioning or abandoning their faith altogether. As a Christ follower and an international digital nomad, I’ve found myself grappling with unique challenges and uncertainties. Growing up in the Bible Belt surrounded by like-minded friends, family, and communities provided a sense of security […]
As I start to write this, it’s a little after 5am on the Friday before Easter. Often in the past it seems I have hurried through this day. Certainly I know the symbolism this day brings within Christianity, but it can still be easy to internalize it as “This is just the Friday before Easter”. […]