Category: The Male Mind for Women

Nov 27
How To Respond When He Says He’s Fine

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? You ask him what’s wrong, and he hits you with that line: “I’m fine.” But deep down, you know he’s not fine. Not even close! Maybe it was after a heated argument that left you both emotionally exhausted. How could he possibly be fine after that? Maybe it’s because […]

Nov 06
Understanding The Man Who Does Not Want To Get Married

Picture this: You’re having a cozy evening with your boyfriend, maybe after a great meal or a fun date, and the topic of the future comes up. You’re daydreaming out loud, maybe hinting at that beautiful white dress and a lifetime of shared moments. And then… boom. He drops the bomb. He says, “I don’t […]

Oct 30
Being Into The Mysterious Man: Should You Be Worried?

The mysterious man has no business being charming, interesting, and attractive, right? You’ve probably fallen for him at least once or fallen in love with him in a book. So, was he everything you could ever dream of? I know mine wasn’t! As much as mystery is exciting and charming, it can also be frustrating […]

Oct 25
Understanding The Emotionally Unavailable Man

Nobody ever wants to be in the eyeline of an emotionally unavailable man. Sadly, sometimes you find yourself there without even knowing it. I mean, it’s not like emotionally unavailable men walk around with a sign on their foreheads. And they don’t come out of the gates announcing it. They probably don’t even realize or […]

Oct 21
Is There A Right Way To Emotionally Connect With A Man?

First things first, do men even emotionally connect with others? They must, right? There are many people with successful marriages and relationships, which means that the men in those relationships managed to emotionally connect with their partners.  However, a lot of women struggle to have that connection with men. And it makes sense because men […]

Oct 09
A Man With No Friends: Too Much of A Red Flag Or Just What You Need?

Just when you thought nothing could possibly surprise you, you came across him—a man with no friends. Well, at first, you did not realize it. Then you started to notice the signs. His stories barely involve anyone else. And when they do, it’s mostly a sibling or a coworker. He has never mentioned a high […]

Oct 04
Dating An Older Guy: Understanding What He’s Expecting

Perhaps you’ve never seen yourself as the woman who would be dating an older guy. Or maybe that’s the kind of man you’ve always wanted but have yet to experience if he will ‘treat you right.’ That’s why you’re here, right? Dating an older man can be fun or challenging. But like most other relationships, […]

Sep 30
How Long Should You Wait When A Guy Says He Needs Time?

If your boyfriend, husband, or someone you are seeing suddenly says he needs time, it can be devastating. Things were going so well; how could he suddenly say he wants some time away? And even if there is tension in the relationship, nobody wants to be on the receiving end of that statement.  So what […]

Sep 18
Is He Hiding Something from Me? Signs He’s Keeping Secrets and Why

You always know when someone is hiding something from you. But sometimes it’s not always that clear, especially when it comes to your boyfriend or husband. You may notice a behavior change with him that suggests he’s hiding something from you. But that does not always mean that he’s keeping secrets, right? We tend to […]

Aug 28
Men With Trust Issues: Are They Worth Dating?

Are men with trust issues uncommon? Actually, are people with trust issues rare? If you ask me, most people have trust issues. But maybe not to the point of stalking and having passwords for every app on your phone.  So, where do trust issues come from? The experiences and influences in our lives have a […]

Why Do Men Lose Focus in Relationships?
Watch Talk with Purdeep Sangha
Why Do Men Lose Focus in Relationships?
Watch Talk with Purdeep Sangha

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