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Jul 26
His Hobbies Are Stealing Him; What Do I Do?

Having some time apart to do separate things is normal and healthy in relationships. But when his hobbies take over all your husband or boyfriend’s time, it’s easy to feel left out and separated from your loved one.  Sounds crazy, right? We get so worked up about someone else stealing our loved ones from us. […]

Jul 24
Is He Having A Midlife Crisis?

I can name at least one time when I have looked at a man and said, ‘I bet he’s having a midlife crisis.’ was probably wrong, as are many others when they talk about men going through this crisis. So, what kind of man goes through a midlife crisis? Better yet, is there any man […]

Jul 23
Sex After Marriage: Practical Tips for Keeping It Hot With Your Honey!

Marriage is a beautiful journey filled with shared experiences, love, and companionship. However, as time goes by, it’s common for couples to find that the sexual desire starts to fade. If you were sexually active before marriage, you will also likely notice that sex after marriage takes on a different vibe. As a husband of […]

Jul 22
Leading With Accountability: A Necessity For Great Leaders

I don’t think there will ever come a time when we won’t need more people in high authority leading with accountability. It’s necessary in roles as small as store managers and as big as national leaders. So, why do some leaders think they don’t need to be accountable? When you’re in a position of power, […]

Jul 19
The Dos And Don’ts of Resolving Conflict for Leaders

I always thought I would have to be a parent to be caught in the middle of two people fighting. It turns out that I just needed to be a manager to resolve conflicts. A leader has many roles and this is one of the harder ones. Whether you’re ready or not, the people you […]

Jul 17
Guide To Dating A Recently Divorced Man

So, you’re dating a recently divorced man—I guess the divorce part shouldn’t matter. But it does, no matter how much you try to ignore it. It’s okay though; it means you know what you are getting yourself into. Or at least, are ready to embrace it. Dating a recently divorced man should not be different. […]

Jul 16
Why Can’t I Just Make a Decision? These Simple Steps Are (Slowly) Changing My Indecisive Leadership Style.

Have you ever found yourself in one of those restaurants with a 20-page menu and felt completely overwhelmed? We all face a range of decisions every day, from what to have for breakfast to life-altering choices. For some people, making decisions is a breeze. But for others, like me, it’s a constant struggle. At least […]

Jul 15
How to Become A Strategic Leader

When you watch enough good movies about heroes pushed into a corner but coming out victorious because they had a good plan, you start to wonder how you, too, can become a strategic leader. I know I’ve pictured myself as Captain America a few times. I wondered if I could get the Avengers out of […]

Jul 12
Is he Thinking About Commitment, or is it Just Me?

If you have ever been in a relationship with a man, you have probably also asked yourself: Is he thinking about commitment? It’s normal to wonder if you are latching onto someone who sees you as a passing fling. And it’s not wrong to want commitment. In fact, wanting commitment is natural and healthy. Commitment […]

Jul 10
Are You a Leader? You Need A Second in Command

I never thought I would embody the ‘it’s lonely at the top‘ stereotype. But it’s because I thought I would have no friends—I still did—so I thought it did not matter. That is until I realized I was alone in all aspects of leadership. I never thought I would need a second in command. You […]

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