Brent Johnson Edit account

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    March 22, 2024

Brent is an expert in marketing and creating engaging digital content. He loves writing, reading, podcasting, and learning. In his spare time he enjoys traveling, serving in his Church, and photography. He is an aspiring sky diver who dislikes jumping out of planes. He is a tiny-house enthusiast, who gets claustrophobic. He values growth, leadership, and kind people.

Jun 27
Is Happiness Really That Complicated?

What is happiness and joy? Are these actual concepts we can truly understand, and if so what would be the importance of understanding them? I’ve often compartmentalized these concepts, and wondered if truly understanding them is worth spending mental energy on. After all these are personal emotions that only impact our own person right, or […]

Apr 20
What I Learned About Never Giving Up Over Coffee

As I sat down with Eric over coffee, I asked him what message he hopes his story communicates. Without hesitation he said “Never give up, I want to inspire people to never give up”. You see, Eric was diagnosed with a rare eye disorder as a child. Doctors didn’t expect him to make it out […]

Apr 06
I Can’t Forget This One Conversation

It was a simple conversation. One that I’ve had many times, and one I’ve heard other people have. However, this one was different. It was brief, fleeting in fact, but I still remember it. It was a conversation I witnessed between two elderly gentlemen as I made a routine run to the grocery store. It’s […]

Mar 29
The Friday Before Easter

As I start to write this, it’s a little after 5am on the Friday before Easter. Often in the past it seems I have hurried through this day. Certainly I know the symbolism this day brings within Christianity, but it can still be easy to internalize it as “This is just the Friday before Easter”. […]

Jan 03
The Impact Faith Can Have Through Tragedy -Podcast

Everyone encounters challenges, but sometimes we go through such struggle and emotional pain that it can shake us to our core. Today’s story is an example of someone that went through that, and how they recovered. Our guest, Gerard Long, endured the loss of two children, a failing marriage, and a cardiac arrest where he […]

Dec 08
Can Storytelling Improve Relationships? -Podcast

Have you every heard someone telling a story that really captivated you, or maybe changed the way you think on a certain topic? Storytelling can be a powerful tool we use in connecting to each other. Today we are going to be looking at how we can use storytelling effectively to improve our relationships, our […]

Hi, I’m Brent!
I started this blog to inspire people to learn, grow, and have fun along the way. I’ve got more on Instagram AND didn’t want to leave you out follow me and let’s adventure!

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