Ryan is a professional travel and relationship writer, originally out of Arkansas. Educated as a health and physical education teacher, he sold all his possessions, uprooted, and went on sabbatical in 2020 to go exploring! He's spent the last four years traveling the world, living and working in more than forty countries. At his side, is his wife of 19 years and fellow travel writer, Abby. Aside from being a sports fanatic and Jesus lover, he's uncle extraordinaire to 14 of the greatest creations on Earth. His passion is sharing cultural finds and encouraging men to experience a more fulfilling life by loving, serving, and understanding their partners better. Ryan is often published on Adventures From Scratch where he shares his relationship advice and family adventure tips, and on Let's Roam, where he details his travel experiences. You can find more from Ryan on he and his wife's YouTube Channel- LostAmongLocals.
I’ve been teaching middle school for 16 years now, and I can attest that middle schoolers are a special breed of crazy. On the whole, they’re hormone-riddled, not sure who they are yet, and stuck somewhere in between little kid and teenager. This haziness is reflected in almost every aspect of their personalities. It’s a […]
If you’ve worked for a major corporation in the last ten years, you’ve probably been wrangled into participating in some sort of team-building activity or event. (Some of you are rolling your eyes about now.) Admittedly, team-building events can be a bore, but do they serve a purpose? As a boss, community leader, or coach, […]
What does it mean to be the spiritual leader of the household? It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. If you’re a Christian, then you know that biblically men are called to be the spiritual leader of the family, but what does that entail? How do we balance implementing that God-given authority with […]
Volunteering in a conflict zone was one of the biggest leadership and people skills tests I have ever undertaken. My experience in Ukraine, during the first few weeks of the current war, taught me a truckload about leadership and how immense stress can be channeled into a laser-focused desire to uplift and support others. My […]
Have you ever found yourself in one of those restaurants with a 20-page menu and felt completely overwhelmed? We all face a range of decisions every day, from what to have for breakfast to life-altering choices. For some people, making decisions is a breeze. But for others, like me, it’s a constant struggle. At least […]
For the last four years, my wife and I have been gallivanting around the world as full-time digital nomads. We sold our home and all our belongings, got online jobs, and left the U.S. in 2020. Full-time travel has affected me in ways I never expected. It has reshaped my understanding of the world and […]
Friendships are a cornerstone of a fulfilling life, yet many men find making and maintaining close friends particularly challenging as they age. The “friendship recession” is real, and it’s not just about having fewer friends; it’s about the quality and depth of those relationships. Whether you’re fresh out of college or noticing your circle has […]
It wasn’t an event I anticipated, nor something I thought would shape my understanding of life and relationships as deeply as it has. But, life teaches us the most through unexpected experiences. You see, my parents got a divorce after 30+ years of marriage! My brothers and I were all in our late twenties and […]
In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s common to lose the motivation for fitness. I know it’s a massive struggle for me. If you’re like me, you know you should exercise, but you just can’t muster up the energy or motivation. There’s a little voice in your head telling you “You’re too tired,” or […]
While it might be a stereotype, I believe there is some truth to the old adage that men aren’t as emotional as women. There are certainly outliers, but on the whole, I’d say it’s harder for us to get in touch with our emotions, and most of us don’t give it much effort. This disconnect […]