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    May 6, 2024
Oct 21
Is There A Right Way To Emotionally Connect With A Man?

First things first, do men even emotionally connect with others? They must, right? There are many people with successful marriages and relationships, which means that the men in those relationships managed to emotionally connect with their partners.  However, a lot of women struggle to have that connection with men. And it makes sense because men […]

Oct 18
How Servant Leaders Can Remain Motivated In Their Roles

People rarely focus on how leaders remain motivated. But it makes sense. Often, it feels that the company needs to focus on those who are not in leadership positions regarding motivation. Leaders have power, a higher salary, and a ‘better’ footing in the company than anyone else. They have all the motivation they need, right? […]

Oct 16
How Leaders Can Inspire Healthy Competition Without Crossing The Line

Healthy competition was not something I thought could exist for the longest time. As someone who sadly went to a school system where missing two marks on a test was punished rather than rewarded, I never liked any form of competition. In school, it literally pinned us against each other. And just when I thought […]

Oct 14
How To Improve Loyalty Through Leadership

Often, it sounds impossible to improve loyalty among people who are not in leadership positions. Many employees are forthcoming about being in it for their own benefit, ready to jump at the next opportunity. I remember being just another worker, and loyalty to my leader and company was not even in my vocabulary. I saw […]

Oct 11
A Quick Guide To The Delicate Dance That Is Leadership Networking

Leadership networking is one of those things you need to get behind in your position. When you first started networking, you were probably looking for a well-paying job, a better opportunity, the chance to be in a leadership role or build a network to help you in future endeavors.  So, what is leadership networking about? […]

Oct 09
A Man With No Friends: Too Much of A Red Flag Or Just What You Need?

Just when you thought nothing could possibly surprise you, you came across him—a man with no friends. Well, at first, you did not realize it. Then you started to notice the signs. His stories barely involve anyone else. And when they do, it’s mostly a sibling or a coworker. He has never mentioned a high […]

Oct 07
The Best Leaders Are Led: Allowing Yourself To Be Guided Makes You Better At Guiding 

The best leaders have many good qualities, follow certain rules, and always make connections with those they are leading. It’s hard to imagine that one of the rules leaders must follow is allowing themselves to be led. Okay, so maybe it is not a rule, but it definitely improves the quality of leadership you offer. […]

Oct 04
Dating An Older Guy: Understanding What He’s Expecting

Perhaps you’ve never seen yourself as the woman who would be dating an older guy. Or maybe that’s the kind of man you’ve always wanted but have yet to experience if he will ‘treat you right.’ That’s why you’re here, right? Dating an older man can be fun or challenging. But like most other relationships, […]

Oct 02
Work Habits All Leaders Should Encourage

In every workplace, work habits make the difference between a team that thrives and a team that struggles. The right work habits boost productivity, improve teamwork, and create a good environment where everyone feels motivated and supported. On the flip side, poor work habits can cause frustration, lower morale, and lead to missed deadlines or […]

Oct 01
What Faith Means to Me

Faith is an important aspect in the lives of billions of people on planet Earth, but what is faith exactly? Even the dictionary has a hard time describing it with most major publications giving multiple definitions. Typically, faith is defined as “a strong belief in something of which there is no proof.” However you want […]

Hi, I’m Brent!
I started this blog to inspire people to learn, grow, and have fun along the way. I’ve got more on Instagram AND didn’t want to leave you out ...so follow me and let’s adventure!

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