Stories for Men to Serve, Lead, and Be Well

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Jul 05
He Won’t Discuss Money, And Here’s Why

The other day, I was having a conversation with a friend about how his parents were going through a rough patch—let’s call them Mr. and Mrs. Smith. As it turns out, Mr. Smith lost his bedroom privileges because he was never willing to discuss money. At least, that’s what I got from the story. According […]

Jul 03
Instill Confidence In Your Team As A Servant Leader

If you have ever had problems with being and building confidence in others, I am envious. Confidence is one of those things that you will need throughout life. Whether you are pitching a meeting or lying through your teeth. In addition, as you step into a leadership role, you must instill confidence in your team. […]

Jul 02
Male Loneliness: Why Aren’t Today’s Men Making Friends?

Friendships are a cornerstone of a fulfilling life, yet many men find making and maintaining close friends particularly challenging as they age. The “friendship recession” is real, and it’s not just about having fewer friends; it’s about the quality and depth of those relationships. Whether you’re fresh out of college or noticing your circle has […]

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