
Join Dr. Paul Kotz in learning how you can start something later in life and still be great at it. Just because you start something at a later life-stage than those around you doesn't mean you can't have the same impact that others have had. In fact, we will look at ways you may even benefit from starting a little later.

What You Will Learn

Have you started later in life in a career, or in another area of your life? Sometimes starting later on something can make us feel like we will never be able to be as successful as others in the same area. Join this discussion with Dr. Paul Kotz to learn how starting later in life at something can even be used as a benefit to propel you forward.

We will also discuss how Paul has worked with his students, and countless other people to help them find fulfillment and meaning in their everyday life. Paul does an amazing job of helping people see the big picture. Let's start living a fulfilled and happy life, even if we got started a little later!

About Speaker
  • Speaker: Dr. Paul Kotz
  • From: Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Bio: Paul won the Lunde Award for his excellence in leadership, faith, and teaching; something that he used to guide mentors and others in the professional field wanting to grow and find their true selves. He is currently an advisor in the Doctorate in Leadership program at Saint Mary’s University, helping individuals become more in line with who they are or who they want to be. Paul has also helped many students, friends, and even strangers find their true calling and lead a much happier and fulfilling life. His two well-received books; Profiles in Kindness (2002) and Something Happened Today (2018) are proof of concept about what he’s teaching and of his success.
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