Glen Alex and her guests provide valuable information and insights to help you be joyful, connected, confident, and complete.
Glen Alex is Author of Living In Total Health, the 2021 Indie Book Award Winner for Health/Wellness and Finalist in the Mind, Body, Spirit category, a Clinical Social Worker, and the Wellth Coach.The Glen Alex Show is all about health! Each episode focuses on a specific area of your health, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We focus on the whole person because all of you matter. Glen Alex and her guests provide valuable information and insights to help you be joyful, connected, confident, and complete–our mission!About Glen AlexGlen Alex, author of Living in Total Health, has a mission to help people be more joyful, connected, confident and complete. This is a life experience she refers to as Wellth: Health + other riches in life.
Glen is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who delivers counseling and coaching services and is the guiding spirit behind The Glen Alex Show,, Healthy Boundaries for Overwhelmed Women online course, and other services in fulfillment of her transformative mission. You can contact Glen Alex at [email protected] or (702) 766-6492.