Stories for Men to Serve, Lead, and Be Well

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Jun 12
Leadership When You Are Stressed: Don’t Take It Out On Others!

Imagine one of the worst days for you as a manager. It’s one of those problems only you can handle, and it is taking a toll on you. You walk into the office and notice the same aura that you’re carrying. Does your team know? Yes. Is it affecting them? Yes. When you are stressed […]

Jun 11
Overcoming the Mental Block: Some Tips to Get Back in the Fitness Game

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s common to lose the motivation for fitness. I know it’s a massive struggle for me. If you’re like me, you know you should exercise, but you just can’t muster up the energy or motivation. There’s a little voice in your head telling you “You’re too tired,” or […]

Jun 10
Talk Less, and Lead More: Active Listening Skills For Leaders

If there is one thing employees struggle with, it’s talking to their bosses for one reason or another. But the worst one could be because their boss just doesn’t listen. Unfortunately, your employees will never tell you things if they know you won’t listen. If you are a leader in 2024, you don’t want to […]

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