Have you ever heard your boss apologize? Yeah, for the longest time, neither did I. The thought of whether a superior should apologize did not come to mind until I got to a leadership position. And when it did, I had some mixed feelings. Many of the people who led me never apologized for anything. […]
First things first, do men even emotionally connect with others? They must, right? There are many people with successful marriages and relationships, which means that the men in those relationships managed to emotionally connect with their partners. However, a lot of women struggle to have that connection with men. And it makes sense because men […]
People rarely focus on how leaders remain motivated. But it makes sense. Often, it feels that the company needs to focus on those who are not in leadership positions regarding motivation. Leaders have power, a higher salary, and a ‘better’ footing in the company than anyone else. They have all the motivation they need, right? […]