You always know when someone is hiding something from you. But sometimes it’s not always that clear, especially when it comes to your boyfriend or husband.
You may notice a behavior change with him that suggests he’s hiding something from you. But that does not always mean that he’s keeping secrets, right?
We tend to let our minds wander to the worst possible scenario. Right now, you might think that if he is keeping a secret, it’s probably something like a second family, a wife in another state, bankruptcy, or horrible criminal activity.
Your husband is likely not the Zodiac killer, but that won’t stop you from wondering why he’s so fishy about something.
It’s funny, but people rarely think that keeping secrets could be something wonderful, like surprising you with a gift or a date. Secrets rarely equate to surprise and tears of joy.
If he is keeping secrets, it’s important to understand why it’s happening. You can learn about it in this blog. And if you are looking for signs that he is keeping secrets, let’s start with you.
There’s this TikTok trend where a person reaches in the direction of their spouse’s phone to see how they react. Most end in laughs as the spouse is more protective over a snack or food than their phone. But I’ve also seen some protect their phones like they are hiding something. And they did not end well!
One of the first signs he might be hiding something is if he suddenly becomes overly protective of his phone. For example, if he always used to leave his phone lying around but now takes it everywhere or keeps it face down when you are hanging out, it can raise suspicions.
If he adds new passwords or gets defensive when you come near his phone, the behavior might indicate that he’s trying to hide conversations or activities. A sudden change in phone habits is often a red flag that something’s being hidden.
Another sign he’s hiding something is if his schedule suddenly becomes packed with vague commitments. Now, you’ll have to make sure this one is happening. People become busy with work projects and even personal issues. So, he could genuinely be busy with something else, staying late at work or going to company events.
But if he also starts avoiding specific details about where he’s been or giving vague, non-detailed recounts of where he is going or doing, then be worried. It might mean something’s not right.
For example, if he claims he’s busy with work but can’t explain why, or if his stories don’t match up, it could be a sign he’s hiding something important. Being mysteriously busy is often a way to cover up secrets.
Mood swings can be a clue that he’s feeling guilty about hiding something. It could also mean he is trying to direct your attention away from the secret if he feels you are getting too close.
If he becomes irritable, defensive, or overly affectionate without any clear reason, it could mean he’s trying to cope with the stress of keeping a secret.
For instance, he might lash out at small things. When you ask about the secret, he will probably react very angrily. On the flip side, he could act overly nice to distract you from the truth. These emotional shifts are common when someone feels conflicted about hiding something.
If his explanations for where he’s been or what he’s doing keep changing, it might be a sign he’s hiding something. When you lie so much, it becomes challenging to keep up with all the details, especially the little ones.
One minute, he had a few beers with his friend Michael; the next, he had shots with his friend Michael. It may seem like a small detail, but when they add up, they eventually spell ‘secret.’
Changing the details later could mean he’s struggling to keep his story straight. People hiding something often get caught in inconsistencies because it’s hard to remember made-up details.
So if you think he’s hiding something from you, pay attention to his stories, whether they seem inconsistent or if he avoids answering direct questions.
If he’s suddenly less emotionally or physically available, it can be a sign that he’s hiding something. He might stop sharing personal thoughts, avoid deeper conversations, or be less interested in intimacy.
For example, if he used to talk about his day but now gives short, vague answers, this could mean he’s distancing himself emotionally to avoid revealing a secret.
But this can happen to men due to other things. For example, some men need space after connecting emotionally. In addition, others become distant when they are facing personal issues such as money problems or loss.
Remember, your man is still a man who will want to solve his problems alone, leading to that disconnect. So, it’s best to ask if he’s going through something or look for clues that he is.
A lack of connection can be a warning that something is being kept from you.
‘Follow the money’ applies to a relationship too. Changes in how he handles finances can also be a clue. If he’s suddenly secretive about his spending, hides transactions, or can’t explain missing money, it might mean he’s hiding something involving financial matters.
Maybe his secret needs some funding, or he’s spending money to keep it. Money can tell you about your spouse’s life, including what he could be hiding from you.
It can be a red flag if you notice unusual withdrawals, spending that doesn’t add up, or avoiding talking about it.
So, you know he’s hiding something from you. Why does he do it? Sometimes, your boyfriend or husband will keep things from you, not because he wants to hurt you. And not because he simply can. For some men, keeping secrets lies in something deeper. Consider the following possibilities:
He might be hiding something because he fears you’ll judge him if you know the truth. I mean, nobody likes the feeling of being judged, especially when you make a mistake. For example, he might have made a mistake at work or overspent on something and doesn’t want you to think less of him.
Men often worry about their partner’s opinion and may avoid being honest to protect their image. The fear of being judged or misunderstood is a common reason for keeping secrets, especially if he believes his actions could disappoint you.
Sometimes, a man might be hiding something because he feels embarrassed about the situation. It could be a mistake or something that makes him feel uncomfortable.
For example, he might hide the fact that he is struggling financially because he feels embarrassed about not being able to provide. He feels the pressure to be a provider and is thus embarrassed about his situation.
Sharing such things can be hard because he doesn’t want to seem weak or flawed. Keeping a secret out of embarrassment is often about protecting his pride.
Men often hide things when they think being honest will lead to a fight. If he believes that telling you the truth will cause an argument or upset you, he may choose to stay quiet to keep the peace. Many men avoid fighting by hiding something, not realizing that it will be a fight when the truth comes out. But they would rather deal with it then than now.
For example, he might not mention that he met up with an old friend who you don’t like because he wants to avoid a disagreement. In this case, he’s hiding something to avoid tension in the relationship, even if his intentions aren’t bad.
I hate it whenever a character on TV says they lied to protect the other person’s feelings. Imagine how I feel about it in real life. Regardless, it’s true. He might keep secrets because he thinks he’s protecting you.
For example, if he’s feeling stressed about money or dealing with personal issues, he may not want to burden you with his problems.
It’s not a good defense, but in his mind, hiding something is a way to shield you from worry or hurt. While this comes from a place of care, it can still damage trust in the relationship because honesty is important for a healthy partnership.
Fear of losing you is another reason why he could be hiding something. It sounds like one of those made-up reasons, but it’s true. If a man has done something that might upset you, like talking to an ex or making a bad decision, he may keep it secret because he’s scared you’ll end the relationship if you find out.
In this case, his fear of rejection or losing the relationship drives him to be dishonest. Unfortunately, this is one of those things that often leads to more problems because secrets usually come out eventually. Plus, you may leave him for a completely different reason!
Sometimes, a man hides things because he simply doesn’t know how to talk about them. If he finds it hard to express his feelings or open up about sensitive topics, he may avoid discussing them altogether. It is quite common in the strong silent type. He wants to remain strong and–you guessed it–silent.
If he’s struggling with work stress or personal issues and has always been the person to suck it up and deal with it alone, he will choose to keep it to himself instead of talking to you about it.
Unfortunately, communication is one of those things you need to work in a relationship. Luckily, you can work on it together.
I saved the worst one for last: keeping a secret because he wants it to be a secret. If your boyfriend or husband knows you won’t approve of something he’s doing, he might keep it a secret to continue without facing consequences.
For example, if he’s engaging in a habit like gambling or overspending that you disapprove of, he will hide it to avoid conflict and continue the behavior.
In this case, he’s hiding something to maintain a habit he knows could harm the relationship if it’s discovered.
So, you have all these signs and possible reasons but no direct answer for him. What do you do? While investigating is one way to get an honest answer, it’s always better to avoid going behind his back and ask him directly.
In most cases, it opens up communication so you can find out if he is really hiding something and why. This way, you can work through it or understand his need for space. It is a way to get reassurance. And if he is still resistant to talking, then at least you have your answer!
Waithira Njagi is a seasoned wellness and relationship content writer with nearly a decade of experience. Her passion for helping others navigate the complexities of personal growth and connection shines through in her engaging and insightful writing.
With a knack for distilling complex topics into easily digestible pieces, Waithira's work is geared toward readers seeking guidance and inspiration on their journey to holistic well-being.
When she's not crafting engaging articles, you can find Waithira curled up with a stack of romance novels– always rooting for love to win– or enjoying quality time with her beloved family. Her dedication to spreading love and positivity is evident in everything she creates.
Waithira is here to remind you that life, much like their stories, is a tapestry of connections - to loved ones, and the endless adventures found in books.